W. Ball, Ph.D., is a writer, independent publisher, nondual guide and consultant,
visionary artist, and musician currently living in Ashland Oregon. In
the spring of 2009 Martin underwent a profound energetic opening and
transformation - the product of intensive work with entheogenic
medicines and a year of profound self-exploration. The result is
Martin's articulation of what he calls the "Entheological Paradigm,"
a Grand Unified Theory of all of reality from God to the direct
experience of each human being, which he characterizes as an
articulation of his view on “radical nonduality.” His
approach is unique in that he sees the tension between duality and
nonduality not as a spiritual or religious issue, but as an energetic
issue that can best be addressed through the intentional use of powerful
entheogens, such as 5-MeO-DMT. As
such, his approach is thoroughly practical, straight-forward, and free
of metaphysics, speculation, and attachment to spiritual or religious
ideologies and mythologies. The
result is a view of the nature of reality and the self that is
challenging, liberating, and powerfully transformative, pointing to the
true nature of being and personal responsibility as an energetic being.
earned his B.A. at Occidental College in Los Angeles in 1994 where he
studied Philosophy and Religious Studies. From there he went to graduate
school at the University of California, Santa Barbara where he earned
his M.A. and Ph.D. in Religious Studies in 2000 with an emphasis on
Native American traditions, Philosophy of Science and Religion, and the
Phenomenology of Mystical and Shamanic Experience, as well as the role
of entheogens in religious and spiritual experience. For his Ph.D.
dissertation, Martin performed fieldwork at the Mescalero Apache
reservation in New Mexico where he studied with a number of medicine
people and researched the Mescalero Mountain Spirit tradition.
After completing graduate school and being frustrated with not
finding work in his field, Martin began writing fiction, which resulted
in the four-book fantasy epic, Tales of Aurduin, with the first book in the series, Orobai's Vision, written in 2002. The series was completed in 2005 with the final installment, The Fifth Temple. It was then that Martin had the idea that he'd included much of what he'd learned from psilocybin mushrooms and Salvia divinorum in the series, and shortly thereafter produced Mushroom Wisdom, which was published in December of 2006. Following that came Sage Spirit and the POD release of Tales of Aurduin. His best-known books are his 2009 publication, Being Human, and his 2017 release, Entheogenic Liberation. In addition to his works of non-fiction, he also produces art books, novels, and anthologies.
It was with the release of Mushroom Wisdom
that Martin started his career as a public advocate for entheogenic
reform and education. Since then, he has been a self-published author
and public speaker and has become known internationally as an authority
on 5-MeO-DMT and for his uncompromising nondual take on entheogenic
In 2008 he started hosting "The Entheogenic Evolution" podcast, which could possibly be the longest continually running long-format interview-based podcast on the topic of psychedelics. He also regularly shares chapters of his self-produced audiobooks on his podcast between interview episodes.
continues to share his nondual approach to entheogens and awakening via
his books, music, artwork, articles, and interviews on numerous
podcasts, YouTube channels, print and online media and magazines, and
through presentations at local and international conferences on
entheogens and psychedelics. As a prolific author, he is continually
producing new books, articles, and essays, and is an avid creator of art
and music.
Currently Martin makes himself available to those seeking his experience, knowledge, and insight via consultation video calls where he works with individuals working on integrating their entheogenic experiences and also provides guidance for individuals and groups facilitating entheogens.