powerful or challenging entheogenic experiences can be difficult,
especially when you feel confused, lost, or alone. I can help you. When I
went through my own nondual awakening and transformation with powerful
entheogens, I had no one I could talk to about my experiences. However,
this doesn't need to be the case for you. I have extensive experience
coaching individuals on their entheogenic experiences from a nondual and
energetic perspective, based on my own personal experience and
extensive work with hundreds of individuals. Over the years I've
consulted with individuals from around the world from all walks of life.
I have a great deal of personal experience with a wide variety of
entheogens, with an emphasis on 5-MeO-DMT, but am in no way limited to
this powerful molecule.
A few of the things I can help with:
Understand the energetics of entheogenic experiences
Learn to integrate transformative openings into daily life
Cultivate nondual awareness without spiritual or religious dogma
Integrate difficult, challenging, or radical experiences
Learn somatic exercises and movement to ground and release stuck energy
Let go of limiting beliefs and learn authentic ways of being and expressing
Embody nondual awareness with energetic openness and clarity
Maximizing benefits and minimizing harm
To arrange a session, send me an email
and I'll be in touch about potential times for us to connect. Let me
know the length of session you'd like with information about your time
zone (I'm in the Pacific Time Zone on the West coast of the US), and
we'll find a time that works for us both. Most sessions are weekdays between 11 am and 5 pm, Pacific time.
also happy to answer other questions related to nonduality, energetics,
and entheogens via a Skype consult (as opposed to lengthy emails).
note that I am not a licensed therapist or doctor and cannot give
medical advice or offer any medical service or diagnosis. I am someone with a large reservoir of personal experience and practice in guiding individuals through these processes.
you'd like, I can record the audio of our talk and make it available to
you at the conclusion of our session. Please indicate prior to our
session if you would like to make use of this offer.
To read about my approach, I recommend my book Entheogenic Liberation.
While the books is specifically written for working with 5-MeO-DMT, the
ideas, concepts, and practices discussed therein apply to nondual work
with any entheogens. Available at Amazon, Kindle, and Audible.